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EFFORTPOST Yuzu Setup for the Tech Illiterate

so with all the posts about Yuzu and seeing a few people confused how to get it setup (@Bussy-boy) I thought I'd just make it's own post

If you feel confident in following directions you can just directly use the guide I used here. I will be assuming you're on Windows 10/11 64 bit

For those of you who don't know, Yuzu is a Nintendo Switch emulator that recently got taken down. Someone has forked their source code luckily tho so you can still use it. There are other ways to play cracked Switch games but this seemed the easiest to me. Lets get started

Download Yuzu

You can download the Early Access build here. Just click the "" link and it will download a zip file. Extract the folder to wherever you feel like. Then open the extracted folder and run the yuzu.exe file. This should install the program and run itself, but you'll get a prompt about missing encryption keys

Encryption Keys

You will need an encryption key file to get the program working. You can download it here or DM me and I can send you the source since it's just text. Once it's downloaded, open Yuzu and go to File->Open Yuzu Folder. This will open the working directory for the program. What you need to do is put the prod.keys file in the keys folder (make sure if you opened it in notepad it didn't rename it to prod.keys.txt). Now restart Yuzu and there should no longer be a warning message.

(Optional) Firmware

You don't need to do this step but it says that some games will crash if you don't. You can download firmware from here, just use the latest one. Unzip the folder, and open the Yuzu folder again. This time navigate to "nand\system\Contents\registered" and paste all of the NCA files from the firmware folder into there

okay now Yuzu is setup, we need some games

Installing Games

Here are a few websites you can download Switch games from: (

I'm going to use Zelda Breath of the Wild as an example because it has an update and some DLC. Note that you can only use NSP and XCI files on Yuzu. NSP files will typically be separated into the base game, updates, and DLC; which can also sometimes be split into 5GB chunks. XCI has everything together, but I haven't really seen any of those. So I'm going to download all the files from this page using MegaUp which is estimated about 30 minutes. Torrenting would also probably be a bit faster but that's up to you, I don't really use it.

Okay so now we have 3 base game, 2 DLC, and 1 update NSP files. First it's recommended we create a folder to put our Switch games. Then we will need to merge the 3 base game files. I was having massive problems with the built in Windows zip utility so I recommend getting 7zip and using that. Just select the part 1,2,and 3 zips together, right click and extract files to your Switch games location; this should merge all of them into a 14.1GB NSP file. Do the same if your game's DLC or update files are split

Before we run the game we should install the update and DLC files. To do this, simply go to File->Install Files to NAND and then select what you want. These are copied to the Yuzu folder so you don't need to keep a copy

I recommend adding your Switch game directory to the main window in Yuzu by clicking "Add New Game Directory", selecting your folder, and then when it's added right click the folder and check the "Scan Subfolders" option. You can also tell from here if your game is being read properly and the Add-ons column will show if the extras were installed correctly. Now just double click the game and you're good to go

Linux Stuff - from @TriHard

Yes. There are only a couple of small things to note:

  • On Linux, you want the AppImage release. Most Linux distros support AppImages.
  • Once you download the AppImage, try running it. If it doesn't work, it's probably because you're missing FUSE 2. Install it with your package manager (I use Artix btw so mine is Pacman): > sudo pacman -S fuse2
  • Keys can be installed directly in Yuzu by going to Tools > Install Decryption Keys, and selecting prod.keys.
  • Firmware can be installed by going to Tools > Install Firmware, and selecting the folder containing the extracted firmware files.
  • By default, all Yuzu-related files are located in ~/.local/share/yuzu.


I don't have all that much experience actually using the emulator so I'm going to skip this part and say just refer to the linked guide. This will help with optimizing Yuzu for your system, show you how to make save states, load mods, etc

If you have any question or if I did something wrong/inefficiently let me know. Otherwise have fun crackers!


Background: Stacey Abrams has tried and failed twice now to become Governor of Georgia, (:marseylaugh:) but is nonetheless a Democrat darling. She's an actress, successful (allegedly) writer, and founder of multiple companies. She also started a nonprofit, Fair Fight Action, credited with flipping the state blue during 2020. Oh, and she's hideous:

I did a little digging, and turns out she was doing a Donald Trump impersonation before DDR even thought to claim rigged elections:

:marseykween: "It's more than just delegitimizing the results of an election," Abrams said.

:marseykween: "Donald Trump is trying to rig the future... And I knew that in 2020, the two cornerstone issues for our democracy would be making sure we have a fair election and a fair count in the census."

when i lose it's because the whole thing is rigged :marseysad: :marseybrainlet: She doesn't like the DDR comparisons though:

"The issues that I raised in 2018 were not grounded in making me the governor,” Abrams told The 19th’s Editor-at-Large Errin Haines at a Monday event. “Not a single lawsuit filed would have reversed or changed the outcome of the election. My point was that the access to the election was flawed, and I refuse to concede a system that permits citizens to be denied access. That is very different than someone claiming fraudulent outcome.”


On a presidential run, :marseykween: says she feels she has to consider it b/c people like her aren’t frequently mentioned, & tshe has much to offer. Then, discussing her credentials, she added a possible Beto reference: “I did win my election, I just didn’t get to have the job.”

Top replies to said tweet:

And let’s be blunt, shall we? The @DNC knows he can flip some ‘red’ states. When he wins the Democratic nomination, on general election night, mark my words. We will watch as Bernie flips states on the electoral map that have NEVER gone blue. People want to talk a blue tsunami? :marseybluecheck:

Your race and gender does not entitle you to win an election. Being a whiny sore loser is not being a good role model. Shame on you.

What do they call that, at the end of an election when you don't get the job??? Oh right, they call that losing.

This twitter thread is a goldmine, but anyways. Apparently she has still never conceded the 2018 election. Not only that, she sued the guy who won and spent $25M on the lawsuit. Not only did she lose, she also gave about $10M to a law firm run by a buddy of hers.

:marseykween: never conceded the election, but she did change her mind about being President:

:marseykween: "What I regret every day is that we could not stop [Brian Kemp] from bastardizing this whole process, from denying the franchise to those who had earned it by being Americans and tried to use the right to vote to set the course of their futures," she said. "And I will always be deeply, deeply hurt that we live in a nation that permitted that to happen."

When did you come to the decision not to run for president?

I’ve been thinking about this for the last few weeks, and I’ve just come to the decision that my best value add, the strongest contribution I can give to this primary, would be to make sure our nominee is coming into an environment where there’s strong voter protections in place. source

two years later STILL seething, amazing. She was then voter-suppressed out of being chosen for VP by literally all of the running candidates, and went on to start an INCREDIBLY sketchy business that raised $30M in funding:

Abrams co-founded Nourish, Inc. in 2010. Originally conceived as a beverage company with a focus on infants and toddlers, it was later rebranded as Now and pivoted its business model to an invoicing solution for small businesses. wikipedia

I suspect the pivot was because a company with an actual product would be harder to hide money in. I literally cannot find any evidence that it still exists, no links on websites, no nothing. I'd be astonished to hear that any business has gotten a loan from the millions it raised. She also has a nonprofit which has failed to file tax returns as well as other sketchy shit. The :marseytrump: comparisons just keep racking up :marseyschizowall:

Now, in 2022, she decided to run for governor again and lost was voter suppressed by a 7 point margin, which is just fricking brutal :marseyxd:

Abrams and Kemp had their first of two scheduled debates on October 17. In the debate, Abrams emphasized her support for gun control and legal access to abortion, while Kemp emphasized Georgia's economy under his governorship and his anti-crime proposals.

Just completely out of touch. No wonder she lost so hard, to the SAME GUY no less, after spending literally a hundred million dollars on her own campaign. It's really fascinating to see how after being propped up in every way possible by media and DNC, she's so completely unlikeable that she lost even harder after all that exposure. The only way she'll ever be President is in Star Trek.

And now for some :marseysnoo: to round it off:

Kemp stands for Trump 2.0 and Stacey is like MLK Jr. but better and smarter and also a lawyer

I want her to win so badly. I crave for my state to progress actually for a change

Kemp will cheat his way to victory again. She would have won last time if he hadn’t sent so few voting machines to polling places in north Georgia

Kemp is stomping Abrams in the polls currently and is, barring some insane turn of events, absolutely going to win.

This is 100% spot on. All these people outside of GA are not remotely in tune with what is going on here. Just because Abrams is a Dem darling doesn't mean she is doing a good job

He also purged votes knowing that even if he lost in court it would take years and his stolen victory would stand as now evident.

Elections can be stolen, but only from black women. Interestingly, even most /r/politics users don't like her:

They both appeal to reddit a lot more than they do to their states' voters.

She can raise millions from out of state donors in California and New York and that looks good on headlines like this.

As a Georgian, she is not winning.

Another thread:

But Brian Kemp is such an butthole. And everything he does is what an butthole would do.

You can replace Brian Kemp with literally anyone in the GOP and the statement would still be accurate.

Abrams... Beto... Democrats need to stop nominating popular figures that only have a track record of losing key races

What they need to do is endorse progressive candidates but corporate medias like CBS, MSNBC and CNN won't let that

Show me a more progressive candidate than Stacey Abrams.

Can we Dems finally stop trying to re-run Dem candidates that lost last time? Seems too many in leadership think that because Biden ran a bunch of times and finally won, that that's a winning strategy in state races.

lol cope+seethe

Any woman in GA that votes for Kemp or any other Republican is a traitor to women everywhere. We must stand in solidarity together as the only group of people in the US that has ever had a right taken away by the government - in this case, by 6 people who were never elected by anyone.

You might want to google "Japanese internment camp"

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