
He now claims if he (arestovitch) ain't elected as Ukrainian president it will be over for Ukraine. He went this week especially crazy talking about some kind of third republic for Ukraine giving elections speeches about how Ukrainian lives are more important than the territory and dunking on Zelenskyy.

But funniest part was that he was telling oh no big deal if Zelenskyy doesn't do election and will become unelected on May 20. But now he is basically telling Zelenskyy must go after licking Zelenskyy butt from 2019-2023 :marseythumbsup:

And of course I predicted this:

But reality is Zelenskyy got in so many shady stories so he has only 2 ways out.

1st capture Moscow

2nd never end this conflict

He has no other options

So he is starting to be harmful for US (not talking about EU since that organisation is just r-slur, they told EU countries not to accept Russian elections results in hope to legitimate Zelensky :marseybrainlet:)

Most Popular President of All Time btw

!chuds !nooticers @pizzashill


Free Palestine, from the river too the sea, Palestine will be free watermelon 🍉 🇵🇸

Frick the commirs snd frick Zionism @HailVictory1776 stand with Israel support Dunkin' Donuts for Palestinian liberation.


Apparently Russia just invented electronic warfare


I can't imagine that! My grandpa (born in the 20s) thought nothing about bringing home pads for any of us girls. And the only thing he ever said was to tell us not to flush tampons. That wa

my dad was born in 1928 and raised me by himself, he bought my tampons, consulted with the pharmacist when i had cramps, and handled all the talks about boys and and s*x. he advised me to never date boys/men who don't like cats because they're seen as feminine & they demand consent. that straight men exist in 2024 with such grotesque attitudes about periods is pathetic. may that turd never procreate, he'd be a terrible father to a daughter or a son.

Wow--you're a sister from another mister! My dad was born in 1922 and also raised me by himself. My mom died when I was 10, so I jokingly say his Marine training prepared him for my puberty lmao. This man did not flinch when he had to discuss my period and had no problems buying me sanitary products. He had a wife, two daughters, and five sisters. He knew what side of the Coven to be on.

Kind of sad a man born over 100 years ago was more progressive thinking than a lot of (not all) men these days.

How old are those xx chromosomes users :bidenshocked:

And so many divorced with a lot of years living together


Proana Chipotle manager helps workers learn portion control

My manager makes us “weigh in” before starting a shift and then again before a shift meal

I don't really know what to make of this. We've been under a lot of pressure to portion control. My manager is always freaking out when we are low on anything at all and says we aren't hitting our “numbers”.

I swear he's getting paranoid due to the pressure from corporate. There's a lot of concern about employees eating on the job and “skimping off the bins”. He decided to remedy this with a scale. I shit you not.

Before every shift we have to weigh in. Before we have our shift meal he makes us weigh in again. He says if we've gained weight we don't get to have a shift meal because obviously we are skimping? Apparently water doesn't weigh anything.

This feels illegal but he says it's not because it's to prevent theft and that he keeps the numbers private. Has this been implemented at other chipotles? Please help.



Ivy Leagues have experiences/opportunities that simply are not replicated at state schools.

Remember when the pandemic happened and every school became instantly identical zoom calls of grad students that can't speak english reading slides?

I find it extremely hard to believe that Google is going to start not wanting to hire MIT grads because MIT has a protest encampment

Activist students cost companies money now. Big money jews are mad about these r-slurs, they won't hire them. They will hire jeets.

As he himself points out the decline in esteem is being driven by a general distrust of all institutions amongst certain elements on the right.

This blind blue no matter who r-slur didn't see that demonrats trust is declining too?

real /h/communism has never been tried

lel first


The plebbitor brought up a valid point tbh but g*mers are spiteful beings.

Mfs can't even try to cure their peepee without getting put on blast smh

:marseyoctopus2: r/BlockedAndReported edition
Reported by:
  • Aevann : get her to make an account and say hi
USER WAS BANNED FOR LIFE FROM RDRAMA.NET I tricked a foid into marrying me

Bottom text lmao.




Aussie media tries to say "aren't women so oppressed :(", r/Australia and r/australianpolitics aren't having it :!marseyindignant: :marseywomanmoment2genocide:

CONTEXT FOR LINK 1- Aussie PM goes to foid protest about domestic violence, bitches about being told he wasn't allowed to speak. 23yo organiser calls him a liar and breaks down crying. Turns out the PM was right lol and the foid was just being hysterical :marseycoffee:

Maybe it takes a woman's brain to understand, but Crabb [article author, also confirmed woman] has left me confused by what this article was about.


If you watch the full event it's clear he was invited to the event being told he'd be speaking, then the organiser hosting the event decided she didn't want to let him until the crowed yelled to let him speak. Earlier in the event that same organiser was demanding albo commit to specific policy demands on the fly, without following any proper procedure. The main speaker was a bit of a shitshow in her own right, she wouldn't stop focussing on herself, what she's organised in the past and so on.

But sure Albo was the one making it about himself.

Yeah I watched the whole lot and couldn't believe that woman. Albo handled it about as well as anyone bloke could have I think, but it still looked terrible all round.

:#marseycoffee: :#marseycoffeemug: :#marseycoffeerecursive: second article, where people immediately get to nooticing-

If you go to the ABS and read the actual data on DV related offenses the facts are illustrative.

For the states that collect data on ethnicity (Indigenous and non-indigenous), the issue is much more a racial/cultural issue than a gender issue. But the narrative is that it's due to gender.

An uncomfortable truth is that if indigenous people stopped committing DV offenses (in the states that collect data NSW, QLD, SA, NT & ACT) the occurrence of DV in those states would fall by a third. WA is strangely absent, but you could infer that it's the same in WA.

In those states 25% of DV homicide are caused by indigenous people, and 33% of total DV offenses are caused by indigenous people.

If the campaigners wanted quick wins, they wouldn't be asking "tell your mates not to bash their partners" - as 98.5% of men don't commit DV offenses annually (per latest ABS data).

They'd be having massive interventions among indigenous people where the rates of DV are 10 times the national average. They'd have a no tolerance policy, locking offenders (both men and women) up and protecting the children.

Instead all we get are vague statements about how "men need to do better".

Want to know why Labor doesn't want a royal commission into DV? The uncomfortable truth would be made clear for all to see.

Full ABS details here:

Download the file at the bottom of the page: Recorded Crime – Offenders, 2022–23


[-14] All males need to be talking about this at all times. We males are the only ones that can fix this. Males need to stop "kitty footing" around and get serious about pulling their mates into line when it comes to treating women better. Don 't treat women like humans, They deserve far better treatment than that.

>Don 't treat women like humans, They deserve far better treatment than that.

[-33] are men gonna derail this post like all the other ones I do wonder

Replies are all men seething but in the most Reddit way possible :soysnooseethe:

Anyway I've had to deal with a bunch of Instagram inforgraphics over this shit, so now you all have to suffer too.

!strayans do better.


Copy pasting the first part of this so lazy girlies don't have the experience the stress of !clinklickers

As the sheen on dating apps dulls, more Americans are reporting bad experiences on them. Frustrated by bots, subscription costs and high effort-to-reward ratios, Gen Z is fleeing the apps in hope of real-life meet-cutes. Earlier this year, “Bustle” declared that dating apps are in their “flop era.”

Not all of the apps are taking this backlash without a fight. On Tuesday, after months of internal shake-ups and stock market woes, Bumble took a shot at winning back hearts and minds with a redesign, which includes a break with the app's requirement that women make the first move.

A new feature, which the company has called “Opening Moves,” allows women to place on their profiles a question, like “What is your dream vacation?,” to which men who match can respond. (In nonbinary and same-gender matches, both sides can include these prompts.)

The shift is a major one for Bumble. Until now, a man who matched with a woman on the app had to wait for her to message him. If she did not initiate a conversation, the match would expire after 24 hours.

Whitney Wolfe Herd founded Bumble in 2014 because of her own personal experiences. She said that the idea was to give women more control. “I had a series of bad relationships, and I felt I was controlled by a man,” she added, “whether it was: Don't wear this or, You can't hang out with this person or, You need to be home at this time.”

But over the years, Bumble received feedback from women who found that making the first move was “a lot of work” or “a burden,” and Ms. Wolfe Herd began thinking about how to release the pressure. Opening Moves, she said, is a result of that process, a way to let women maintain control while not feeling the stress of initiating all of the conversations.

But not copying the whole thing because The Gray Lady be a notoriously litigious b-word. :objection:

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